Tag Archives: absolute auction

Episode 102: How to Handle Pre-Auction Offers

Shawn and Trina discuss how to properly handle pre-auction offers that are submitted to an auctioneer before the auction date.  This is an issue that continues to come up with real estate auctioneers and the guidance offered in this episode will help ensure that the auctioneer is keeping the clients needs first, while maintaining the relationship for all involved.  Enjoy the show.

Episode 78: Advertising Absolute Auctions when it is Not

In this episode we are joined in the studio by Mr. Mike Brandly, professional auctioneer and auction industry expert witness.  Mike talks about a string of recent incidents which involve auction companies using advertising language designed to lead consumers to believe auctions are being held without a reserve price (absolute), when in fact they are not.  This practice has been taking place in the auction industry for years, however consumers are now become aware of the practice and are beginning to hire attorney’s post auction to dispute the outcomes. A very interesting podcast with a LOT of insightful information.  Enjoy the show.


Mike Brandly blog