Tag Archives: sellers

Episode 75: The Changes in the Real Estate and Auction Industry

Lots of changes happening in both the real estate world as well as the auction industry.  More and more auctioneers moving to online bidding platforms, consolidation of auction groups happening around the country, and we are now seeing the housing markets beginning to slow.  Homes are spending more time on the shelf before offers are presented, what does all of this mean?  Jimmie Dean Coffey joins us in the studio and we discuss the changing times and what it means for the real estate and auction industry’s.  Enjoy the show.

Episode 57: Managing Overpriced Listings

Always a hot topic in real estate… What to do with overprice listings and how to manage the seller.  This episode we take a dive into how to position the conversation early on with over priced sellers, so you can ultimately arrive at a win/win outcome in the end.  Ian Goodyear joins us in the studio with some insight on a recent overprice listing he took and we discuss various ways to handle this all too often issue.  Great stories and lessons in this episode, so enjoy.

Episode 41: Allowing Buyer Brokers to Participate in Real Estate Auctions

Auctioneers allowing Buyer Brokers to participate in real estate auctions has been hot topic for many years. In this episode we dive into Buyers Broker participation and receive excellent insight from two veteran real estate auctioneers. Don’t miss it…!

Johnny Horton

Chip Carpenter