Monthly Archives: June 2022

Episode 74: Why a West Texas Broker Buys a Franchise

This episode sheds a lot of light on the advantages of a brokerage joining a real estate franchise system like United Country Real Estate. We are joined in the studio by professional farm & ranch broker Monty Edwards of Sudan, Texas as he discusses his decision to franchise and the advantages he has experienced over the past year.  The conversation covers technology advancements, national marketing exposure, niche property groups and agent recruiting.  This is a very insightful podcast, enjoy the show.




Episode 73: Beans, Bullets and Band-Aids with Russell Hughes

If you have listened to Russell Hughes on one  of our previous podcast shows, then you already know he is a wealth of information.  This is another great show where we dive into the current status of import/export of consumer goods and products, warehouse space shortages and the industrial boom we are experiencing right now. We also discuss the commercial real estate sectors and what may be on the horizon for retail and office space in America. This is a great show with lots of insight, enjoy.

Hughes Realty Advisors

United Country Real Estate

Episode 72: How to Win in Google Search Rankings

We are joined in the studio by United Country Real Estates technology expert, Jim Nowak as we discuss how Google ranks websites and how we can win the ranking game. Jim offers great insight into the way Google web-crawlers find and rank websites and then offers multiple strategies into ways that office owners can get their websites to rank higher.  Join us as we uncover some awesome strategies that may make it possible to get to page (1) on Google searches.

Episode 71: How to Retain Real Estate Agents

There are (10) principal reasons why new real estate agents quit in their first year or two.  In this show we dissect all 10 of the reasons and offer excellent advice how to address these when hiring a new agent to your brokerage or auction firm.  Once you understand what typically goes wrong for them, you can also use this insight while interviewing new agents and look for key indicators that will help you select potentially good agents over poor ones.  GREAT insight and a wonderful episode for any broker, auctioneer or agent.   Enjoy the show.