Tag Archives: auction attorney

Episode 65: Right of First Refusal with Shane Terrel

The dreaded “right of first refusal” can be found in real estate transactions across America.  Often times we see it in non-urban land sales like Farms, Ranches, Recreational properties and it can be a challenge when working with sellers that have already committed to the agreement, but now want to get the “most” out of their property.  We are joined in the studio by seasoned real estate broker, Shane Terrel as we discuss the different types of (ROFR) agreements and their affects on property sales.  Great information and also some funny stories of us growing up as a gypsy custom harvesters.  Enjoy the show.

Episode 23: Auction Law and Best Practices with Mike Brandly

Join us as we discuss Auction Law with one of the foremost authorities in the Nation. Mike Brandly, professional auctioneer, instructor and expert in the auction law arena discusses: Disclosing vs. Not-Disclosing Reserves; Opening Bid Incentive and Fraudulent Inducements.

Mike is always a huge learning experience and this episode is guaranteed to be full of information that will keep an auctioneer out of hot water.  You can catch Mike Brandly in September 2019 at the National Auction Summit in Kansas City, Missouri.  We also encourage you to follow to Mike Brandly’s blog

Enjoy the show.